I think you've probably already met Evie and Celeste. But, the young lady to your right is Jenny Friday. And, indeed, Jenny is our "Girl Friday." Jenny makes everybody's day go better around here. I don't know what we would do without Jenny. She is an invaluable assistant to everyone around here.
And, you probably know Evie and Celeste as two of our interpreters. But, they also do a lot more. Evie is our office manager. She really runs this place. I'm sure, if the board ever had to choose between Evie and myself - I'm gone.
Celeste also works in the office. She knows our paperwork and admin systems inside and out. She and Larry have been friends for many years, though we all wonder why. They seldom agree on anything. Larry laughingly calls Celeste our "Token Liberal."
And, you probably know Evie and Celeste as two of our interpreters. But, they also do a lot more. Evie is our office manager. She really runs this place. I'm sure, if the board ever had to choose between Evie and myself - I'm gone.
Celeste also works in the office. She knows our paperwork and admin systems inside and out. She and Larry have been friends for many years, though we all wonder why. They seldom agree on anything. Larry laughingly calls Celeste our "Token Liberal."

And then there's these guys: Ben Counter and Newt Woods. Ben is our Business Manager and Newt is the Director of Restorations. We hardly see these two during the day because Ben is cloistered with his calculator and coffee cup in the far back office most of the time. And, Newt works out in the Museum Annex in the Restoration Area. But, again their both very vital to the museum's work. And, their great people to talk with about the museum, if you get the chance.
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